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Collage Project!

On a happier note, I got to faciliate a two hour collage/art/crafts session with the womens research group in one of the refugee camps. They had their ususal meeting in which they were learning about story time, g

ames to play with kids (sharing of local games and new ones) and talking about their home visits. Afterwords people were invited to stay and participate if they wanted to. My goal of this project/time is to first, have fun and do some art with people. Many of them brought a sibling or friend to join. My second goal was to help facilicate the understandign that art can be fun but also a way to express onself, ones values and experiences in a way tha can be understoond regardless of where you come from or what language you speak. The prompt for the two hours was to create some form of collage, or craft that was either just for fun or that shared their experience and ment something to them in order to bring awareness to the situation in Palestine. They want me to share them when I come home so I wll need to figure out a way to share them with people. I am hoping to do this two more times, one in each of the refugee camps and with some art students from the university as wel as some women/professors that my mom is friends with. It was really fun to get to do art with these people and I think they had alot of fun. I provided the art materials and we played music and just got to spend time reaxing and talking. I would like to upload the photos I took of the people and their art but its best to keep faces off of here as I do would not want to accidently put someone in danger so I have included some of jus their art. Enjoy and I hope more to come.

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